Key Ingredients for a Great Startup Pitch - PODCAST
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We discuss:
[03:16] Nilima shares two of her defining moments.
[05:04] She realized at that moment in the mine that fear wasn’t real and that it was completely under her control.
[05:54] In 2011, she moved to India to understand how people build and scale world-changing ventures on the ground.
[08:31] She shares the story about her transformative pitch for sex education in India.
[10:25] Goddess leadership is letting yourself be a vessel for your idea to move through you and your vision to be birthed through you and staying strong and holding the container for what wants to be birthed in that process.
[11:21] Goddess leadership is about putting the feminine energy first. Everyone has feminine and masculine energy in us.
[12:50] The number one issue in the startup ecosystem is that there are a lot of huge egos and a lot of people giving advice. It is extremely hard for a first-time founder to be able to discern what is useful feedback and what is not.
[14:04] The most important ability that you need to hone as a founder is your skill of discernment.
[16:12] You have a 10-12 slide investor deck. You want to be able to showcase the big industry problem and how your solution plays into it.
[19:18] You can not get rocked up or down based on if one person said it was a good idea or not.
[22:36] Our systems are crumbling. Many industries are going through a radical transformation.
[25:15] How do you paint the potential for something that hasn’t happened yet? It is by showing what is happening in the industry and the multi-layered rippling value that is going to be created.
[25:48] As long as the shift is happening in the industries, the possibilities are endless. It is so important to lead with the industry transformation.
[27:06] If you have this vision and live this vision, it is going to inspire your team members and clients.
[30:06] Stepping into this vision and claiming this is one of the most sure-fire ways to bring out and bring forward those limiting beliefs and roadblocks.
[33:44] A lot of healing happens as a result of that choice.
[36:06] If you have a vision or something that you feel can help people in the world, there is no mistake. You have been chosen to carry this out. You have the unique skills and the lived experience in your body that wants to be shared with the rest of the world. The world really needs you.