Why pricing your product too low or too high is the same problem


The term "values-aligned" is finally having a hey-day. Values-aligned partners, sponsors, investors, and customers should be your norm.

But there's a step BEFORE magnetizing your perfect values-aligned co-founder or teammate. And that's ** alignment between your vision and container. **

Your "container" is the constraints of whatever you're trying to magnetize. For example:

- it's your product, along with its pricing, marketing, and distribution.

- It's your fundraise, along with the amount, investor archetype and check size.

- It's your job description of your perfect co-founder, along with salary and culture expectations.

In a nutshell, a container is a way of defining exactly what you want (and in what time frame.) Mis-alignment between vision and container is the core reason you aren't finding your perfect investor, partner, or teammate.

The job description doesn't match what you actually want. The price point of your product doesn't match what your customer can pay. The price point of your product doesn't match your vision for scale. And so forth and so on. A

s you can see, there can be SO many ways that you could out of alignment when talking about a given container, whether it's your product, job description, or fundraise.

** My secret skill is identifying how you're out of alignment in a matter of a few minutes of speaking with and looking at your deck.

Curious to learn more? Book a call to explore coaching: https://lnkd.in/gVTx6KgW

Nilima Achwal