Leveraging Group Wisdom for Clarity and Speed
There is a difference between looking "outside" for the answers as you're building your venture, and efficiently leveraging group wisdom to gain clarity to the answers in the back of your mind with laser precision, speed, and subsequent clarity.
As a founder, you will face so many mental and emotional hurdles on your journey. Half the battle is knowing what's blocking you - and then magnetizing the exact person or situation who can clear it for you.
You can *hope* that the right person will cross your path at the right time to solve the questions and doubts that come up every day - or you can invest in a heart-centered, frequency-aligned Mastermind group of big thinkers and visionary founders and experts so you can ENGINEER those groundbreaking moments of clarity, bust through old things, and move forward in an exponential way.
Serendipity favors the bold. If you move forward assertively, the rest comes to meet you. What are your goals for 2021 - what do you want to create, but more importantly, who do you want to become? The best way is to have an outline in your mind of this, and then secure the people and community you need to step into that identity authoritatively.
Check out the New Earth Mastermind for an amazing community for visionary founders that's starting next month.