Moving on Your Intuition Before It Makes Sense

Hi founders! I’m so excited to bring you LIVE STREAMS with me every day at 2:30pm PST / 5:30pm EST . They are 13 minutes and meant to infuse your day with positive energy and inspiration around feminine leadership, startups and social impact.


As social changemakers, founders, and leaders, we have many different decisions that we have to take, every day. The ease and swiftness with which we make decisions becomes one of the deciding factors of how well your venture grows and evolves.

How do we hone our skill of problem solving and decision making? The longer we procrastinate on decisions - whether regarding strategy, business model, a teammate, or product - the longer our venture will stagnate.

Here are a few ways to sharpen your mind and heart in decision making and moving on your intuitive reading of the situation at hand.

Nilima Achwal