We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For


Our entire culture and society is predicated on looking "up" to authority figures. The problem with this is that no matter what we are doing in life, we need to have the ability to CENTER our own vision, values, and methods for impact. To continually come back to our own core to know what to do and how to do it.

Founders inherently sense this - otherwise you wouldn't have started your own venture. But the programming is so dense sometimes! We overlay this old-school thinking on to what we're doing now, as adults and leaders and creators.

What are some of the ways that "looking up" shows up in venture founders/leaders? It shows up as looking to the industry for best practices, solutions, and tools, more often than tuning into our own vision and knowingness of what you're creating. There are a lot of issues with doing this - not just the fact that we don't see ourselves represented in the industry, but also that our venture models and methods are going to start to look and feel RADICALLY different to the "norm" as we herald in a new economy and paradigm.

Enough. We are the ones we need to listen to first. We are the ones we - and THEY -have been waiting for.

Nilima Achwal