Why it's better to be a solo founder sometimes
To co-founder or not to co-founder? That is the question.
You should only partner with someone and give up equity if the person is truly an equal. Does she or he...
Bring a skill that you don't (at a competency level you CAN'T hire for)? - Bring access to networks (whether investors or customers) that would take you years to build yourself?
Bring capital equal to what you have put in? If not, can they have skin in the game by giving up their salary?
Does she or he actually align with your big vision and want to fight in the war to achieve this goal over 10 years, or is he/she just superficially excited? Have you tested their depth and grit?
Most importantly: Does this person have integrity? Big money (even a few hundred thousand) can corrupt some people's behavior. You'd be shocked how people's behavior changes - I've witnessed it so many times in this crazy ecosystem we operate in. However much you trust them, take precaution from the start to protect yourself with watertight partnership agreements and have those hard conversations.
If not, it's ok to be a sole founder and save yourself a lot of headache down the road.